Archive for the ‘Clients’ Category

AudioNowcast April 9, 2020 episode 199

Friday, April 10th, 2020

Jordan Reynolds, Issa Lopez and Tim Friedlander joined us for this Voice Over special podcast.

topics included:

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This is our voice over special episode, how do you break in to VO no one had the same path, home studios are a life saver, what equipment do the pros use and what mic is THE mic to get for VO, How is the voice over industry changing and why is there so much work (really, all of our guest are super busy) horror stories with clients and talent and a whole lot more! Thank for listening and you can watch the podcast on our IGTV channel. Stay safe and healthy out there!!

AudioNowcast April 2, 2020 episode 198

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

John Cirillo a songwriter from Nashville joined us for this episode.

topics included:

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Happy Birthday Dave Smith a true pioneer and some we all need to be thankful for,Nashville, first the tornado and then the virus an update of an amazing town, collaboration tips and tools for working with another person, what you can do to insure some success and what you absolutely must not do to be successful in you partnership, new quirks and habits as a result of being confined plus a whole lot more! Stay safe and healthy out there!

AudioNowcast July 3, 2019 episode 196

Monday, August 12th, 2019

Sound designer extraordinaire Scott Gershin is back on the podcast after a wild and crazy year.

topics included:

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Scotts adventures this past year, he moved and yet he didn’t, VR is there a future, making major changes, scary deadlines impossible schedules, why advertising can really suck, I mean soul crushing, spirit killing pressures and expectations, did someone really stay in potential danger just to post a clip for a client, plenty of war stories in this one, thanks for listening and be sure to like our Facebook page.

AudioNowcast July 12, 2017 episode 186

Monday, July 17th, 2017

Engineer with the most informative website ever, writer and all around great guy Barry Rudolph was our guest for this show.

topics included:

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Barry’s website and why it’s a great resource for anyone in audio, making mistakes and why it’s always the little things that can bring you down, often it’s not the mistake that can get you but how you recover (or don’t) Barry talks about what’s it like reviewing gear, should we put a lot of stock into product reviews, working the Beach Boys and that one time working with Cher they needed to call a doctor, plus a whole lots more. Thanks for listening and be sure to like us on Facebook and instagram @Audionowcast.