Archive for the ‘Monitors’ Category

AudioNowcast 45 February 13, 2008 episode 45

Friday, February 15th, 2008

Dr. Steve Labkoff was our guest for this podcast.

topics included:

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Where o where are all the panel members, should you even think about putting in a 5.1 monitoring system (no, waste of time?), using technology to stream line your work flow, now you really don’t need to see people, Dr Steve talks about health and why you shouldn’t pull 3 all nighters in a week, stress in the studio, hidden health dangers, stress and why you need just a little bit plus a whole lot more. You can reach us at or at our myspace page. Thanks for listening the boys will be back next time.

AudioNowcast December 4, 2007 episode 42

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007

Tom Gleason sound editor from Hanna-Barbera was our guest.

topics included:

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What we do away from audio, Bobby and Martin are Soccer gods, Scott Talks about the audio work on the hit game Crysis, OK maybe not soccer gods just really good, how video games are mixed in real time and why they sound so damn good, the future of mixing and where it will evolve too, 420 speaker surround system, Tom talks about the good old days at HB, and why they maybe weren’t that good, think hundreds off reels of mag, plus a whole lot more. You can reach us at or our myspace page. Thanks for listening.